


終末CO2監視は数として表現グラフにモニター。 を番号と呼ばれcapnometry、CO2の分圧である呼気の最後に検出。 波形が呼ばcapnographとショーどのくらいCO2存在各相呼吸器サイクル。

What does it mean when EtCO2 is low?

ETCO2 measures the effectiveness of ventilation, as long as the patientʼs blood flow (cardiac output) is normal. If the cardiac output falls, less CO2 is returned to the lungs and if the breathing doesnʼt change, more CO2 will be removed than what is brought to the lungs and the ETCO2 will fall.

How to use etco2 monitoring

Sidestream monitors rely on a separate monitor connected to the patient's airway by a tube. With mainstream capnography, the airway adapter is placed directly in the breathing circuit in between the ventilator “Y” and the elbow adapter. A mainstream sensor is then attached to the adapter. As the patient exhales, the CO2-rich gas passes through the airway adapter, where it is measured.